Bed bugs can’t hide from our powerful treatments.

Turner Pest Control is trusted to keep premier hotels, offices, and medical facilities free of bed bugs. We bring the same expertise home to you.
For such a tiny pest, bed bugs can pack a real wallop when it comes to causing problems in your home. They hide in bedding as well as in other cracks and crevices in the house, and can be hard to find and challenging to get rid of, DIY. That’s why bed bug exterminator processes are best left to the experts—with Turner Pest Control offering a comprehensive solution. Our bed bug control in Clearwater starts with a thorough home inspection with our safe, effective treatments followed up to ensure the problem’s resolution.
Don’t let these nasty bugs invade your Clearwater home!
If you suspect a bed bug presence or have seen a few in your home, contact us for a free, no-obligation inspection, ASAP.
Inside look at Turner’s bed bug experts
To eradicate bed bugs, our team must kill them at each life cycle stage: from egg to full-grown. We therefore provide several individual treatments over three weeks to comprehensively address the infestation, using multiple methods for optimal results. Our followup reinspections confirm that the issue is fully addressed.
As part of our Clearview bed bug control services, we offer the latest innovation: Thermal Remediation®. Benefits include how this is a one-time treatment; how no chemical fumigation or toxins are used; and how its high heat will destroy bed bugs throughout every life stage.
SMART TurnerGuard makes termite, pest, and rodent control simple. One service provides extensive coverage that includes free additional service calls.
We use the latest, most effective bed bug exterminator products and treatments available today. They include the following two approaches:
Thermal Remediation® leverages high heat to destroy bed bugs across the life cycle, penetrating the tiniest cracks and crevices with one treatment only. Because there’s no chemical fumigation involved, there are no residual toxins, which means that you, your family, and pets can return home as soon as the heat treatment is completed.
Our professional exterminators will confirm the bed bug presence and find out where they’re hiding. Then, we’ll leverage the latest insecticide dust and residual contact treatments. This includes the initial treatment along with two followup visits, one week apart.
If you’re wondering if this pest has invaded your space, our Clearwater bed bug control experts can inspect your home, identify where they are in their life cycles, and recommend a personalized solution for your problem.




How bed bugs get inside
First, here’s some mythbusting. People may believe that bed bugs seldom go into a clean home but, unfortunately, that’s not true. Bed bugs are perfectly willing to set up shop in even the most carefully tended homes. This is true, in part, because of how many ways they can get inside.
Visitors: People can transport them into your Clearwater home via their clothing or, if bringing luggage, in their suitcases. As long as they came from a place where bed bugs exist, they can transport them to you.
Your own luggage or clothing: When you leave home, you can bring back these unwanted guests, as well.This can be true when you run errands and, even more likely, if you’re away overnight, perhaps in a hotel.
Second-hand items: From clothing to furniture, if you shop in thrift stores or rummage sales, or are given a gently used gift, they may contain enough bed bugs to establish a presence in your home.
Signs of bed bugs in a Clearwater home
Because of their size (comparable to an apple seed), you may not spot a bed bug as easily as another type of pest. So, unless you see an adult not in hiding—an almost flat, almond-shaped, reddish-brown pest—you may need to rely upon other signs:
- Red/brown spots of blood on bedding and/or pajamas
- Spots of fecal matter on mattresses and bedding linens
- Cast off skin (exoskeletons)
Preventing a bed bug infestation
Because getting rid of bed bugs, DIY, is nearly impossible, a key focus should be to reduce the likelihood that an infestation ever occurs. Steps include to:
- Thoroughly examine soft second-hand goods before bringing them inside: for example, clothing, mattresses, and cushions.
- Cover your mattress and box springs with protective covers that are specifically designed to keep the bed bugs out.
- Frequently vacuum rugs and furniture.
- Before leaving for a trip, wrap your luggage in plastic bags; at a hotel, put it in the bathtub where it won’t be near soft goods.
- When arriving back home, inspect your luggage closely before bringing it back inside and wash all clothing inside the suitcases in hot water.
- Reduce clutter in your house to lower the number of places where bed bugs might hide.
- Use plastic containers for storage rather than cardboard boxes; the pests prefer the second.
More insights into bed bugs
Over the past few decades, the bed bug population has been increasing (you might hear stories about this in the news) and they’re hard to kill. Here’s more about what makes this pest so challenging to control on your own:
- Adults can literally live for months without a food source.
- Although bed bugs can’t jump or fly, they can easily spread inside of a home.
- They can live quite comfortably in the spaces that humans occupy: homes, dorms, schools, offices, stores, theaters, public transportation, and more.
- Because they typically hide in the daytime, it can be hard to know all of the places where they’re living and breeding.
- Bed bugs can survive in temperatures near freezing—all the way up to 122 degrees Fahrenheit
For unsurpassed bed bug control and other Clearwater pest control services call us at (813) 565-7333 or request a quote online today.
Clearwater Bed Bug Treatment FAQs
Don’t see your question answered? Get in touch today!
Why are bed bug problems so persistent?
These tiny pests are elusive, hardy, and always on the move. The cleanliness of a dwelling has nothing to do with attracting bed bugs or preventing them from getting in. Bed bugs have continued to adapt to human environments and can thrive in a wide range of temperature and many types of conditions.
How can I prevent bed bug infestations?
Bed bugs will take any opportunity to hitch a ride into your home on luggage, furniture, and other soft goods such as clothing. When traveling, put a plastic trash bag or other protective covering on your luggage while you’re in a hotel and keep your suitcases off of the bed. Check hotel bedding, box springs and mattresses for tiny, pepper-like stains when you arrive, and thoroughly inspect all of your belongings before bringing them inside when you get home. Also inspect any used furniture or clothing you’ve acquired before you bring it inside.
Why are bed bugs most often a problem in hotels and homes?
Once indoors, these pests quickly spread from room to room in homes or hotels, traveling through pipes, on luggage and clothing, and even in vacuum cleaners. Because they can live for months without eating, they can be very difficult to control.
Are bed bugs only found in beds?
Definitely not! They can be found virtually anywhere, not only in soft goods such as beds and furniture, but also behind electrical outlets and in crevices along baseboards.
What is digital monitoring for rodents?
Bed bugs do not transmit diseases to humans, but their bites can cause itchy welts that may become infected if scratched.
If I don’t have bed bugs right now, does Turner have a program that covers them?
Yes. Our SMART TurnerGuard Termite and Pest Control plan provides all-in-one pest protection which includes bed bug extermination and control.