It’s your home: only the very best protection from termite damage will do.

Benefit from comprehensive protection for your home
When you suspect termite damage in your Clearwater home, it may already be extensive, requiring thousands of dollars to address—with homeowner’s insurance policies often not covering the costs. To protect your home and your investment in it, rely upon expert termite treatment in Clearwater, FL from Turner Pest Control.
Clearwater Termite Species
Although there are large numbers of termite species, the majority of them in the United States are one of these three types: drywood, dampwood, and subterranean.
In Clearwater, a subterranean termite species— the Formosan—poses the greatest threat to area structures. One single colony can contain several million pests, which gives them extensive ability to forage and do serious damage to homes.
Here’s what else you can expect from your Turner Pest Control termite service:
FREE ESTIMATES: There’s never any charge or any obligation for quotes on our comprehensive termite treatment plans, and you can request your estimate online.
A THOROUGH INSPECTION: Our expert technicians know just where termites hide. We inspect your home’s interior and exterior for signs of termite damage and termite activity.
A CUSTOMIZED PLAN: Based on the results of our inspection, we create a termite extermination plan that meets your specific needs and pest pressures.
EXPERT TERMITE TREATMENT: Our up-to-the-minute training and technology ensures that your termite control service is the safest, most effective, and longest-lasting treatment available.
The climate in Clearwater, Florida provides a perfect haven for termites. They love feasting on wood and their favorite activity is going about doing secret destructive deeds while remaining virtually invisible to us humans!
Two of the common types of termites for Clearwater homeowners include:
- Formosan termites: These are some of the most aggressive species of termites, and they are prevalent throughout Florida. Just one colony can have millions of members swarming about. Millions.
- Eastern subterranean termites: The good news: eastern subterranean termites are less aggressive and destructive than their Formosan counterparts. The bad news: this species is so widespread, especially in Florida, they cause damage overall
Plenty of termite species enjoy feeding on wet and damp wood, and with the humid climate in Florida, this is something that they have in abundance. If one termite is chewing on the wood of your Clearwater home, that means there are significant numbers of others close by. These nasty, destructive bugs live in colonies with queen termites continually producing eggs throughout her lifetime—which can span more than 5 decades!
Signs of termite infestations to be on the lookout for: obvious wood damage they create, seeing swarms, finding wings they’ve shed from their bodies, or mud tubes by your house.
Termites have the ability to wreak thousands of dollars’ worth of havoc in one single home. Fortunately, our comprehensive termite program can demolish current colonies and prevent future ones from taking hold.
Benefit from comprehensive protection: under patios, inside blocks and pipes, and wherever else termites lurk
We offer three tiers of highly effective treatments: Premise, high-tech Termidor, and the environment-friendly Altriset
Enjoy termite protection through warranties that fill in homeowner’s insurance gaps.
Our eco-friendly treatments don’t even require warning labels or first aid instructions. They’re that safe.

Leverage the power of this premium termite control in Clearwater, FL. This revolutionary high-tech treatment comes with minimal disruption for the ultimate results.


Protect your home in every place that termites can enter along with places where they can cause damage. Our expert technicians go above and beyond the standard, using the maximum application allowed.


Benefit from 24/7 protection through our bait system that allows us to seamlessly check for termite activity. During quarterly monitoring inspections, we’ll share results and, if needed, collaborate to create the best treatment strategy.

Clearwater, FL Termite Extermination


Facts About Termites
Like other living creatures, termites need sustenance to survive and thrive. They get their nutrition through cellulose, which can be used in wood pulp, paper, cardboard, drywall, foam, and other materials we use to build our homes. In fact, most homes contain more than enough cellulose to attract and nourish large colonies of these pests, making homes vulnerable to infestations and the resulting destruction.
Homes also provide two other crucial elements that termites need to flourish: shelter and moisture. Once they find the right place for their colonies, they eat around the clock with a large infestation able to create extensive damage pretty quickly.
When seeking termite treatment in Clearwater, FL, DIY options won’t be up to the task. Over the counter treatments may rid your home of a small number of them, but it takes experienced, licensed pest control professionals—ones with access to the latest equipment, specialized products, and most current technologies—to rid your home of this unwanted pest for good.
Signs of Termite Activity
Focusing on the Formosan termite that presents the most danger to Clearwater homes, it’s important to remember that this is a subterranean species. So, you won’t necessarily see much of the termites themselves. So, focus on identifying signs of their presence. For example:
- When you tap wood with a hard object, does it sound hollow? Formosan termites can damage wood so severely that, in the worst infestations, only paper-thin surfaces on hollowed-out wood may be left.
- When examining wooden surfaces, they may look blistered or peeled.
- Nests are created out of chewed wood and soil.
- Swarmers flutter around outdoor lighting.
- You may find discarded wings of Formosan termite reproductives by lights, doors, and windowsills.
Keeping Termites Away
To greatly reduce the odds that termites will nest in your Clearwater home, here are several steps to take.
- Move any wood mulch away from your home’s foundation (at least 15 inches). Although mulch helps to provide moisture for your plants, termites benefit from that moisture, as well.
- Because traditional mulch is a good source of cellulose, explore non-cellulose options, such as gravel or pine needles.
- Eliminate sources of water for the termites by finding places where moisture collects and addressing the issues. This can include pipe or spigot leaks; gutters and downspouts that discharge water too closely to your home’s foundation; and hoses and sprinklers that dampen soil next to the foundation.
- Examine your home’s crawl space, if applicable, and make sure it wouldn’t serve as a damp, dark place where termites could thrive.
- Remove old firewood and lumber because they provide a feast for termites (these pests prefer decayed wood). Keep stacks of usable wood away from the foundation.
Termite Treatment in Clearwater, FL
Our comprehensive termite extermination programs all start with a thorough home inspection. We’ll provide you with a detailed report on our findings plus our customized recommendations
You can choose from three treatment levels:
- Premise—Effective and affordable
- Termidor—Long-lasting, broad protection
- Altriset—Environmentally friendly
Plus, you can benefit from our premium solution: Termidor HP, a high-tech treatment that allows us to provide the ultimate termite control in Clearwater, FL. This treatment provides exceptional extermination results with little disruption with your landscaping, patios, and pool decks. Plus, this treatment positions you for termite prevention techniques going forward.
Each of our Clearwater termite control plans include a comprehensive perimeter application that covers each place where termites can get into your home and create problems. Our treatments are so granular that they include inside blocks, behind bricks, between adjoining slabs, at pipe penetrations, under patios, and so much more. Plus, we apply treatments to foundation cracks, no matter how tiny, to provide protection in even the smallest of potential pathways into your house.
Clearwater Termite Control FAQs
Don’t see your question answered? Get in touch today!
What are termites? Are there different kinds?
Termites are small, soft-bodied insects that live in large colonies and feed on wood, including timber and the wood in structures. The three major types are subterranean, drywood, and dampwood. As their names imply, subterranean termites usually live in soil; drywood termites prefer very dry wood; and dampwood termites prefer wet wood, such as in forested areas.
Are there any types of treatments Turner doesn’t cover?
Turner does not offer a warranty on drywood termites, but we can spot-treat them. If you have a severe drywood termite problem, we will refer you to drywood termite treatment professionals.
Do I definitely have damage if I see termites?
The presence of termites alone is not a definitive indicator of whether damage has been done. Determining if your home has been damaged requires an inspection. If you suspect you have termites, Turner offers a free, no-obligation inspection.
How can I identify termites and when will I see them swarm?
It’s easy to mistake termites for flying ants. Both have four wings, but termite wings are uniform in size while flying ants have larger wings in the front. Generally, termites range from ¼ to ½ an inch long and are pale in color.
Each species has its own swarming season, but in general, spring is primetime for termites. Formosan subterranean termites, the most destructive type, are seen in spring and swarm at night. Contact us immediately if you notice swarming termites.
How much property damage can termites do?
Termites do billions of dollars’ worth of damage in the U.S. every year. They eat nonstop, around the clock, so large populations can quickly damage wood and threaten the integrity of your home’s structure. The good news is that Turner’s comprehensive termite control services can take care of existing colonies and prevent their return.
Is termite protection worth it in Naples?
The key to termite prevention is reducing or getting rid of the moisture that termites need. Take steps to reduce the humidity levels in your crawl space and attic; divert water away from your home’s foundations with gutters; and fix leaks coming from pipes, faucets, and your outdoor AC unit. You should also get rid of roots or tree trunks, wood stakes, or old form boards that are close to your home. Regularly inspect your home’s foundations for termite damage signs.
How can termites be controlled?
This is one area of pest control that homeowners should not attempt on their own. Licensed pest control professionals have the experience, extensive training, technology and products required to effectively control termites populations and protect your home.
Does Turner do wood destroying organism (WDO) reports?
We do not do WDOs. These are typically done by home inspectors.