It’s your home: only the very best protection from termite damage will do.

Enjoy Comprehensive Termite Treatment in Your Leesburg Home
Turner offers termite control plans to suit your needs and fit your budget.
By the time you suspect that termites are gnawing on your home’s structure, they may have already done thousands of dollars worth of damage. Worse yet, homeowner’s insurance policies often don’t cover these costs.
Fortunately, you can protect your home and your investment with Turner Pest Control's comprehensive pest control services and professional termite treatments in Leesburg.
Troublesome Termite Species
Overall, drywood, dampwood, and subterranean termites are most common in the United States. In Leesburg, the Formosan termite and its millions-strong colonies pose the biggest problem. Their huge numbers allow them to forage extensively, destroying homes as they do.
With your termite control by Turner, you can count on:
- Free, no-obligation quotes: There’s never a charge for our estimates for comprehensive termite treatment plans in Leesburg. You can even request yours online.
- Complete home inspection: Our skilled team knows where termites hide in homes, and we’ll inspect yours (the interior and exterior) for termite activity and damage.
- Personalized plan: Using what we learn through our termite inspection, we’ll design a customized plan that meets your specific situation.
- Expert termite control: Turner provides the safest, most effective, and longest-lasting treatments available today using modern technology and providing cutting-edge training to our technicians.
Destruction by Termites
Termites love to feast on wood, and Leesburg’s climate provides the perfect sanctuary for them. They remain nearly invisible as they go about destroying property. Two termite types that harass homeowners in Leesburg include these:
- Formosan termites: These critters are aggressive! Prevalent throughout our state, one single colony of them can have millions of members. Think about that. Millions.
- Eastern subterranean termites: Here’s a good news/bad news scenario. Subterranean termites are less aggressive than their Formosan cousins; however, there are so many of them in Florida that they create more overall damage.
Numerous termite species feed on damp and wet wood with Florida’s humidity making plenty of this available. Whenever one termite is causing damage to your home, significant numbers of their destructive colony-mates are nearby. Queen termites produce eggs continually through their lifetimes, which can last for more than fifty years.
The most common signs of termite infestations include seeing their swarms or wood they’ve damaged and/or finding shed wings and mud tubes created by your home.
Here’s How to Protect Your Home Against Termite Infestations
One single home can experience thousands of dollars of termite damage. To protect yours, reach out for our comprehensive termite treatment in Leesburg. We’ll eradicate colonies currently in your house and stop new ones from gaining a foothold.
Outstanding Termite Treatment in Leesburg
Each customized termite control program starts with a complete home inspection. We’ll use this termite inspection as the basis for your tailored recommendations. Our three treatment levels include:
- Premise—Effective and affordable
- Termidor—Long-lasting, broad protection
- Altriset—Environmentally friendly
For the ultimate termite treatment in Leesburg, choose Termidor HP. This high-tech option provides exceptional results—and very little disruption with your patios, pool decks, and landscaping. In addition, Termidor HP ideally positions you to prevent termites’ return.
No matter which termite control plan you choose, it comes with a carefully applied perimeter treatment that covers entry points for termites. We use granular applications behind bricks and inside blocks, at pipe penetrations and beneath patios, and between adjoining slabs, and more. We give special attention to even the tiniest foundation cracks to block even the smallest potential doorway inside your home.

Leverage the power of this premium termite control in Clearwater, FL. This revolutionary high-tech treatment comes with minimal disruption for the ultimate results.


Protect your home in every place that termites can enter along with places where they can cause damage. Our expert technicians go above and beyond the standard, using the maximum application allowed.


Benefit from 24/7 protection through our bait system that allows us to seamlessly check for termite activity. During quarterly monitoring inspections, we’ll share results and, if needed, collaborate to create the best treatment strategy.

Leesburg, FL Termite Extermination


Leesburg Termite Control FAQs
Don’t see your question answered? Get in touch today!
What time of year is best to treat termites?
Although winter may be the best time since termites remain closer to their colonies, get help as soon as you suspect an infestation.
What is the most effective termite control?
Professional termite control by licensed professionals is best. Turner uses products and technologies that you can’t (and it’s best not to DIY termite treatments). Contact our trained team of pest control experts in Leesburg to get your problem resolved the right way.
What is the cost of termite treatment in Leesburg?
At Turner, we provide multiple tiers of termite treatment in Leesburg, customizing your program to your needs. To get a quote for your specific situation, reach out for your termite inspection.
What are signs of termites in your house?
You may see signs of wood damage, including buckling or blisters in the wood that perhaps create a wavy appearance. Wood may be hollowed out as termites eat through your home’s structure from the inside out. You might see termite swarms, shed wings, or mud tubes by your home. Don’t guess! Contact us.
How do I identify termites?
First, it’s easy to confuse termites with flying ants: both are four-winged insects. A key difference is how termite wings are equal in size while flying ant wings are bigger in the front. Next, termites tend to be ¼ to ½ of an inch in length in a pale hue.
Spring is a time to watch for termites (although different termite species swarm at different times). If you see termites swarming during springtime nights, these are likely the most destructive type: the subterranean termites. No matter when you see them, though, reach out for a no-obligation estimate for termite treatment in Leesburg.